Gheorghe Falcaru


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Artist name Roles Recordings
Taraf de Haïdouks

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Taraf de Haïdouks flute Am o fustă parașută (I've Got A Parachute Skirt), Bulgăraș de gheață rece (Cold Snowball), Bălălău din București (Balalau From Bucharest), Cum este pe lumea ailaltă (I'll Tell You How It Is In The Other World), De unde vi tu, mai lele ? (Where Do You Come From, Dear Lady ?), Din caval Moldoveneasca (Moldavian Shepherds' Dance), Dragoste de la Clejani (Clejani Love Song), I'm a Gambling Man, Infloreste iarbă in camp (The Fields Are Blooming), La Ciolpan cu prispa inaltă (The High Balcony In Ciolpan), Lament a lu Marius (Marius' Lament), Maică, măiculița mea (Mother, My Little Mama), Manele pomak (Manele Pomak), Nici nu ninge, nici nu plouă (No Snow, No Rain), Suită de jocuri ca la Clejani (Dance Suite À La Clejani), The Return of the Magic Horses