George Reid

guitar, producer, mix, remixer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Colour (British math rock band)
Chris Botti trumpet I Loves You Porgy, White Christmas
Joshua Bell violin I Loves You Porgy, White Christmas
Jutty Fennix (Active in UK since 2016)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Chris Botti trumpet I Loves You Porgy, White Christmas
Joshua Bell violin I Loves You Porgy, White Christmas

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Colour guitar Chutes, Conversations, Dinosuars, Jewels Like Fairy Lights, Outerspace, Over The Moon, Run Like You're Being Chased, Shamu, Silverbeast, Some Miles, Tallulah's My Mothers Name, Tired Eyes, Unicorns
Perterricrepus mix, producer Best Be Believing, This Is How We Do It, Watching Over You
Jutty Fennix remixer To Ü (George remix)