George Pajon, Jr.

guitar, acoustic guitar, guitars, sitar, producer, electric guitar, engineer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Black Eyed Peas (US pop/hip-hop group)
1+1 (Laurent Estoppey & Anne Gillot)
Hands High
Ivette Cepeda
Rainman (Australian hip-hop)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Black Eyed Peas guitar, guitars Hands Up, Latin Girls, Let’s Get Retarded, Meet Me Halfway at the Remix ( remix), Positivity (live from House of Blues, Chicago), Sexy, Shut Up, Smells Like Funk, The Boogie That Be
1+1 guitar Where Is the Love
Hands High guitar My Generation
Ivette Cepeda electric guitar Timeless
Rainman sitar Surfboard
Ricky Martin producer It's Alright
Sérgio Mendes acoustic guitar E Menina (Hey Girl)