Geoff Zanelli

arranger, performer, conductor, orchestrator, strings, instrument arranger, piano, handclaps
Allan WilsonMathieu GonetDeonteOnly this artist's recordingsOnly other artist's recordings

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Allan Wilson (conductor, orchestrator & arranger) conductor After Wounded Knee, Aftermath at Sand Creek, An Uncertain Future, Buffalo Run, Caring for the Wounded, Crossing the River, Disarmed, Dreams and Schemes, Drowning Jethro, Gangrene, Gathering of Nations, Ghost Dance, Gold Fever, Growling Bear Appears, Growling Bear’s Vision, Hunting the Buffalo, In the Wake of Sitting Bull’s Death, Into the West, Jacob Joins Jedediah Smith, Jacob Jr.’s Letter Home, Jacob and Thunder Heart Woman, Leah Drowns, Leaving Jacob Behind, Leaving the School, Margaret Light Shines With the Children, Merry Christmas, Meteor Shower, Much to Learn From Each Other, Naming Jacob’s Baby, Outgunned, Photography, Preserving Lakota History, Quantrill’s Raiders, Rations, Running Fox Returns to Dogstar, San Francisco 1850, Seeing the Buffalo, Shootout With Johnny Fox, Spirit, Sundance, The Arduous Climb, The Beauty of the American Frontier, The Lakota, a Peaceful Nation, The Mother Lode, The Path of Old Tradition, The Sand Creek Massacre, The Transcontinental Railroad, The Tribe Moves On, The Wheel and the Sunset, Wheeler Reunion 1890, Wheelerton
Mathieu Gonet conductor Ava Maria, Best Laid Plans, Denouement, I Need You to Die, I Take Out the Trash, Istanbul, My Number Is 47, New Suit, Random Complication, Righteous Buttkicking, Roses for Nika, Rubber Duckie, Table 26, The Belicoff Assassination, Train Station (Bite Your Tongue), Trust Unto God (Udre's Funeral), Undress Me
Deonte (of MDMA)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Allan Wilson (conductor, orchestrator & arranger) conductor After Wounded Knee, Aftermath at Sand Creek, An Uncertain Future, Buffalo Run, Caring for the Wounded, Crossing the River, Disarmed, Dreams and Schemes, Drowning Jethro, Gangrene, Gathering of Nations, Ghost Dance, Gold Fever, Growling Bear Appears, Growling Bear’s Vision, Hunting the Buffalo, In the Wake of Sitting Bull’s Death, Into the West, Jacob Joins Jedediah Smith, Jacob Jr.’s Letter Home, Jacob and Thunder Heart Woman, Leah Drowns, Leaving Jacob Behind, Leaving the School, Margaret Light Shines With the Children, Merry Christmas, Meteor Shower, Much to Learn From Each Other, Naming Jacob’s Baby, Outgunned, Photography, Preserving Lakota History, Quantrill’s Raiders, Rations, Running Fox Returns to Dogstar, San Francisco 1850, Seeing the Buffalo, Shootout With Johnny Fox, Spirit, Sundance, The Arduous Climb, The Beauty of the American Frontier, The Lakota, a Peaceful Nation, The Mother Lode, The Path of Old Tradition, The Sand Creek Massacre, The Transcontinental Railroad, The Tribe Moves On, The Wheel and the Sunset, Wheeler Reunion 1890, Wheelerton
Mathieu Gonet conductor Ava Maria, Best Laid Plans, Denouement, I Need You to Die, I Take Out the Trash, Istanbul, My Number Is 47, New Suit, Random Complication, Righteous Buttkicking, Roses for Nika, Rubber Duckie, Table 26, The Belicoff Assassination, Train Station (Bite Your Tongue), Trust Unto God (Udre's Funeral), Undress Me

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Deonte conductor, instrument arranger, orchestrator, handclaps, piano, strings Always Will, Friend of Mine, Heart of the Dreamer, Heartbreaker, I Had a Vision, I Have You, I’m by Your Side, Love Has Come for You, My Baby, Remember Me This Way, Sun’s Gonna Shine, Way Back in the Day, When You Get to Asheville, Who You Gonna Take?