Gaston Micheletti


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Emmanuel Satti drum machine, synthesizer 13 ans presque 17, Christopher Walken, Fugue de pute mineure, Ray Ov Gold, The Cherrypopper, Uberschleiss, Viol et revanche, We Are One
Scorpion Violente recording 13 ans presque 17, Christopher Walken, Fugue de pute mineure, Ray Ov Gold, The Cherrypopper, Uberschleiss, Viol et revanche, We Are One
Toma Überwenig vocal, synthesizer 13 ans presque 17, Christopher Walken, Fugue de pute mineure, Ray Ov Gold, The Cherrypopper, Uberschleiss, Viol et revanche, We Are One
Scott Scorpion performer Backdoor Action, Greazy Smile, Pumping Iron, Strychnine, The Rapist
Toma Violente performer Backdoor Action, Greazy Smile, Pumping Iron, Strychnine, The Rapist

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Emmanuel Satti drum machine, synthesizer 13 ans presque 17, Christopher Walken, Fugue de pute mineure, Ray Ov Gold, The Cherrypopper, Uberschleiss, Viol et revanche, We Are One
Scorpion Violente recording 13 ans presque 17, Christopher Walken, Fugue de pute mineure, Ray Ov Gold, The Cherrypopper, Uberschleiss, Viol et revanche, We Are One
Toma Überwenig vocal, synthesizer 13 ans presque 17, Christopher Walken, Fugue de pute mineure, Ray Ov Gold, The Cherrypopper, Uberschleiss, Viol et revanche, We Are One
Scott Scorpion performer Backdoor Action, Greazy Smile, Pumping Iron, Strychnine, The Rapist
Toma Violente performer Backdoor Action, Greazy Smile, Pumping Iron, Strychnine, The Rapist

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Lalo De los Santos vocal Carmen: Duo Final: C’est toi! C’est moi! (Acte IV), Carmen: Non, Tu ne m’aimes pas (Acte II), Carmen: Ségedille: Près des remparts de Séville (Acte I), Carmen: Tra-la-la...Attends un peu, Carmen (Acte II)
Matthew Levy vocal Faust, Akt III: "Salut! demeure chaste et pure"