Gary Stockdale

arranger, synthesizer, programming

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ursula Kneihs (piano)
石原慎一 (voice actor/singer)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ursula Kneihs arranger As Far as the Eye Can See, Flight of the Angels, High Brow Country Affair, The Gate, The Morning Moon
松居慶子 arranger, synthesizer In The Mist, Souvenir, The White Corridor, Three Silhouettes
石原慎一 arranger 人生いろいろゲーム, 迷宮の中の光
神保彰 arranger, programming, synthesizer Roll Over 90's
鷹森淑乃 arranger 地上に降りた星座宮