Frank Bolz


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Burial (German punk/hardcore group, Japanese-style)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Burial recording Among the Fools, Barracks, Concrete Delusion, Failure, Freedom, Immortal Will, In Ambush, Kagi, Never Give in, Never Give Up, No One Who Leads, No One Who Follows, Nothing Left to Die, Pay for Shit
Turbostaat recording Charles Robotnik seine Frau, Die Stulle nach dem Schiss, Es fehlte was im 2ten Karton, Holland in Not, M - Eine Stadt sucht ihren Mörder, Monstermutter, Peterantjesiensöhn, Pop national, Prima Wetter, Schwan, Trauertränen, Warten auf Flitzi