Felix Pappalardi

producer, guitarrón mexicano, vocal, bass, arranger, mellotron, guitar, viola, piano, handbells, flute, organ, percussion, trumpet

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Cream (British 1960s rock supergroup)
Tom Paxton
Jack Bruce
The Vagrants (60s rock group from Long Island)
Martin & Neil

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Cream producer, bass, flute, handbells, mellotron, organ, piano, trumpet, viola As You Said, Badge, Blue Condition, Born Under a Bad Sign, Crossroads, Dance the Night Away, Deserted Cities of the Heart, Doing That Scrapyard Thing, I’m So Glad (live), Mother’s Lament, Outside Woman Blues, Passing the Time, Politician, Politician (live), Pressed Rat and Warthog, SWLABR, Sitting on Top of the World, Sitting on Top of the World (live), Spoonful, Strange Brew, Sunshine of Your Love, Take It Back, Tales of Brave Ulysses, Those Were the Days, Traintime, We’re Going Wrong, What a Bringdown, White Room, World of Pain
Tom Paxton bass, guitarrón mexicano Bottle of Wine, Daily News, Every Time, Goin' to the Zoo, I Can't Help but Wonder Where I'm Bound, Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation, My Lady's a Wild, Flying Dove, Ramblin' Boy, The Last Thing on My Mind, The Willing Conscript, What Did You Learn in School Today?
Jack Bruce producer, vocal, guitar, percussion Boston Ball Game, 1967, He the Richmond, Never Tell Your Mother She's Out of Tune, Rope Ladder to the Moon, The Clearout, The Ministry of Bag, Theme for an Imaginary Western, Tickets to Water Falls, To Isengard, Weird of Hermiston
The Vagrants arranger, producer, vocal, guitar A Sunny Summer Rain, And When It's Over, Beside the Sea
Martin & Neil guitarrón mexicano Tear Down the Walls