Fektion Fekler

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
John Coppock vocal, guitars, sampler Anawanala, Dipsomania, Wiser For The Winter
John Clark (industrial guitarist) guitar, guitars TV Trauma (Angels With Chicken Wings mix), The Dowser That Couldn't Dowse
Ben Casey vocal Dipsomania
Dave Thomas (industrial performer) vocal Dipsomania
Lori Price flute Maker, Make Believe

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
John Coppock vocal, guitars, sampler Anawanala, Dipsomania, Wiser For The Winter
John Clark (industrial guitarist) guitar, guitars TV Trauma (Angels With Chicken Wings mix), The Dowser That Couldn't Dowse
Ben Casey vocal Dipsomania
Dave Thomas (industrial performer) vocal Dipsomania
Lori Price flute Maker, Make Believe