Eric Wood

performer, electronic instruments, vocal
Bastard NoiseJohn WieseSean LennonThe LocustOnly other artist's recordings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bastard Noise (United states noise/powerviolence)
John Wiese
Sean Lennon
The Locust (United States grindcore/mathcore)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bastard Noise performer, vocal, electronic instruments B.N.W., Cat Scratch Fever Dreams, Contaminated Rations, Cosmic Eulogy, Creeper, Leaving Another Dead Planet, Lily of the Valley, Native American, Re-Entry Chute Failure, Rebel Transmission
John Wiese performer Lunar Chaparral
Sean Lennon performer Spaceship
The Locust electronic instruments Well I’ll be a Monkey’s Uncle (remix by Bastard Noise)