Eric Rageys

recording, mix

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
High Tone
Sixpack (90's French punk rock band)
Cumulus (Seattle indie group)
Nunatak (Spanish folk group)
Romaro Franceswa

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
High Tone recording 7th Assault, Altered States, Bastard, Boogie Dub Production, Dirty Urban Beat, Dub What, Fly to the Moon, Home Way, Ollie Bible, Propal, Spank, Uncontrolable Flesh
Sixpack mix, recording An Eye for an Eye, Back With a Single Ticket, Dem or Us, Enemies Inside, Je veux etre roumain, Lunadelic Asylum, Now a Dummy, Overseas, Potential Vote, Rosa Parks, Some Days, The 29th Letter
Cumulus recording Space Rodeo
Nunatak recording Liqor
Romaro Franceswa recording Rub-A-Dub Anthem