Ene Nael


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Fashionless (Chilean electro-pop)
Kimbal Dykes
Pablo Rieppi
The Candles

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Fashionless harpsichord A tre: I., A tre: II., A tre: III., Gigue (à la Bach), Joon, Kellad, Silmajad, Õnnis on inimene
Kimbal Dykes harpsichord ... il neige
LetsKiosk.com harpsichord Du, ewig Du
Pablo Rieppi harpsichord Display VI: Ufonaudi portree
The Candles harpsichord Variatsioonid
The Ray Charles Big Band harpsichord Treputé Martela
Trevor Lissauer harpsichord Display IV: Tundmatu muusiku portree