
Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jyrki Tuovinen mix, recording Dancing Thru the Stars, Dust, Forever Away, If I Had, Man, Mother's Milk, No Nothing, One Time, Painter of the Sky, Stay, Toss Me Down
Hannu Korkeamäki arranger Breakable, Butterfly, Crashing Down, Don't Know Myself, Every Drop Drowns You, Green Car, Left of Me, Running Back to You, Solitary Motions, Wake Me Up
Kukka Lehto violins Legacy
Mikko Lohenoja mix Man
Panu Syrjänen saxophone So Noticed

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jyrki Tuovinen mix, recording Dancing Thru the Stars, Dust, Forever Away, If I Had, Man, Mother's Milk, No Nothing, One Time, Painter of the Sky, Stay, Toss Me Down
Hannu Korkeamäki arranger Breakable, Butterfly, Crashing Down, Don't Know Myself, Every Drop Drowns You, Green Car, Left of Me, Running Back to You, Solitary Motions, Wake Me Up
Kukka Lehto violins Legacy
Mikko Lohenoja mix Man
Panu Syrjänen saxophone So Noticed