Eminence Symphony Orchestra

performing orchestra, performer

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
亀岡夏海 arranger The Koprulu Symphony: En taro Adun, The Koprulu Symphony: No Matter the Cost, The Koprulu Symphony: Victorious but Not Unscarred, The Shadow of the Legion Symphony: Anar'alah Belore, The Shadow of the Legion Symphony: The Betrayer and The Sun King, The Symphony of Sanctuary: The Eternal Conflict, The Third War Symphony: Eternity's End, The Third War Symphony: Journey to Kalimdor, The Visions of the Lich King Overture

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
亀岡夏海 arranger The Koprulu Symphony: En taro Adun, The Koprulu Symphony: No Matter the Cost, The Koprulu Symphony: Victorious but Not Unscarred, The Shadow of the Legion Symphony: Anar'alah Belore, The Shadow of the Legion Symphony: The Betrayer and The Sun King, The Symphony of Sanctuary: The Eternal Conflict, The Third War Symphony: Eternity's End, The Third War Symphony: Journey to Kalimdor, The Visions of the Lich King Overture
大谷幸 arranger Last Angel, The Symphony of Sanctuary: Children of the Worldstone
William Motzing arranger The Hyperion Overture
大曽根浩範 arranger The Symphony of Sanctuary: Legacy of Terror
椎名豪 arranger The Koprulu Symphony: Eradicate and Evolve

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
神前暁 performing orchestra SOS団再び, あの日の記憶を追いかけて, いつもの風景で終わる物語, つながった記憶, はやる心と前に出ない足, 再び出逢えた団員たち, 環境変化の是非
帆足圭吾 performing orchestra 孤独世界の広がり, 導く女性の語る言葉, 未来への足跡, 自己意識の確認, 裏切られた期待, 長門有希の心にあるもの
高田龍一 performing orchestra READY?, 不安から恐怖へ, 朝倉涼子という女性, 歴史の転換点
崎元仁 performing orchestra ODIN SPHERE's Theme - Orchestra ver., 屋根裏部屋書庫 - Orchestra ver.
Russell Brower performer Diablo III Overture
石濱翔 performing orchestra 涼宮ハルヒの手がかり
Erik Satie performing orchestra ジムノペディ 第2番