Emil Newman


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Yuki Shingai
Randy Newman
Sol Kaplan

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Yuki Shingai conductor Admiral Hi-Fidelity Records Demo LP Selections From Seven Wonders of the World, Africa, Epilogue, Greece / Mount Olympus, Istanbul, Mediterranean / Italy, Nikreis Records Presents Selections From Seven Wonders of the World Part 1, Nikreis Records Presents Selections From Seven Wonders of the World Part 2, Pyramids, Rio / Brazil, Seven Wonders Entr'acte, Seven Wonders Exit Music, Seven Wonders Theme, Taj Mahal, Timbuktu / Sahara Desert, Vatican City, Wonder Story of the World / Bible
Randy Newman conductor Burn On, Sail Away
Sol Kaplan conductor Arabia, Gong / Japanese Garden