Elmer Iseler

conductor, chorus master, arranger

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
[unknown] (Special Purpose Artist - Do not add releases here, if possible.)
Healey Willan
James Paton Clarke
Ruth Watson Henderson

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
[unknown] arranger, conductor Angelus ad virginem, Away in a Manger, Cherry Tree Carol, Christmas Song of the 14th Century, Deck the Halls, God Rest You Merry Gentlemen, Good Christian Men Rejoice, It est né le Divin Enfant, Mary Is a Lady Bright, Masters in This Hall, Noël c'est l'amour, O Come All Ye Faithful, The Echo Carol, The Golden Vase Carol, The Holly and the Ivy, The Huron Carol, The Twelve Days of Christmas, Variations on the Sussex Carol, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, What Is This Lovely Fragrance
Healey Willan conductor Welcome Yule
James Paton Clarke conductor A Canadian Christmas Carol
Ruth Watson Henderson conductor Lullaby for the Christ Child