
vocal, performer, remixer, producer, mix

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Aleksander Gołębiowski
Ancient Oak
Canuke Bernard
Dynamite Deluxe

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
김인성 vocal 60 Hz, 60 Hz (a cappella)
Aleksander Gołębiowski performer Rock On & On (Denyo77 remix)
Ancient Oak performer Mal sehen
Canuke Bernard performer 60 Hz
Dynamite Deluxe vocal Grüne Brille
Ferris MC mix, producer Wie ist mein Name?
Fettes Brot vocal Nordisch by Nature (Teil 2)
Jo Bywater producer Lots of Signs
La the Darkman remixer Springwater (EIßFELDT Remix)
Rocko Schamoni remixer Gegen den Staat (Buju Ballermann mix by Eißfeldt)