Denny Fongheiser

drums, percussion, djembe

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tracy Chapman
Steve Wynn
Bruce Cockburn
서태지와 아이들
Shawn Colvin

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tracy Chapman drums, percussion A Hundred Years, Across the Lines, Baby Can I Hold You, Born to Fight, Crossroads, Fast Car, For My Lover, Freedom Now, If Not Now…, Material World, She’s Got Her Ticket, Subcity, Talkin’ Bout a Revolution, Why?
Steve Wynn drums, percussion Anthem, Carolyn, Conspiracy of the Heart, Here on Earth as Well, Killing Time, Something to Remember Me By, Tears Won’t Help, The Blue Drifter, Under the Weather, Younger
Bruce Cockburn drums A Dream Like Mine, Actions Speak Louder, Cry of a Tiny Babe, Great Big Love
서태지와 아이들 drums 널 지우려 해, 발해를 꿈꾸며, 발해를 꿈꾸며 (instrumental)
Shawn Colvin drums Tenderness on the Block, Tennessee
Sovory drums, percussion Love Is Still Enough, May Not Be
John Paul Jones djembe, drums Bass 'n' Drums, The Smile of Your Shadow
浜田麻里 drums Heaven Knows, Take It Easy On Yourself
The Juliana Hatfield Three percussion Spin the Bottle
Toni Childs drums I’ve Got to Go Now
José Mercado percussion Shalom