Deltron 3030

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dan the Automator mix, producer 3030, Battlesong, Love Story, Madness, Mastermind, Meet Cleofis Randolph the Patriarch, Memory Loss, National Movie Review, New Coke, Positive Contact, St. Catherine St., State of the Nation, The Assman 640 Speaks, The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, Part II, The News (A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Microsoft Inc.), Things You Can Do, Time Keeps on Slipping, Turbulence (remix), Upgrade (A Brymar College Course), Virus
Mark Bell (LFO member) performer, producer, remixer Meet Cleofis Randolph the Patriarch, National Movie Review, New Coke, St. Catherine St., The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, Part II, Turbulence (Mark Bell remix), Turbulence (remix)
Brandon Arnovick guitar Love Story, Mastermind, Positive Contact, Things You Can Do, Virus
Damon Albarn performer, vocal State of the Nation, Time Keeps on Slipping
Prince Paul vocal The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, Part II

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dan the Automator mix, producer 3030, Battlesong, Love Story, Madness, Mastermind, Meet Cleofis Randolph the Patriarch, Memory Loss, National Movie Review, New Coke, Positive Contact, St. Catherine St., State of the Nation, The Assman 640 Speaks, The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, Part II, The News (A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Microsoft Inc.), Things You Can Do, Time Keeps on Slipping, Turbulence (remix), Upgrade (A Brymar College Course), Virus
Mark Bell (LFO member) performer, producer, remixer Meet Cleofis Randolph the Patriarch, National Movie Review, New Coke, St. Catherine St., The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, Part II, Turbulence (Mark Bell remix), Turbulence (remix)
Brandon Arnovick guitar Love Story, Mastermind, Positive Contact, Things You Can Do, Virus
Damon Albarn performer, vocal State of the Nation, Time Keeps on Slipping
Prince Paul vocal The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, The Fantabulous Rap Extravaganza, Part II
Charlie Clouser remixer Positive Contact (Charlie Clouser remix)
Hafdis Huld vocal The News (A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Microsoft Inc.)
MC Paul Barman vocal Meet Cleofis Randolph the Patriarch
Mario C (Scoobay Rhythm) remixer Positive Contact (Mario C remix)
Mario Caldato Jr. remixer Positive Contact (Mario C remix)
Brad Roberts (of Crash Test Dummies) vocal National Movie Review
Mark Ramos-Nishita vocal New Coke
Mix Master Mike turntable(s) Positive Contact (Mario C remix)
Mr. Lif vocal St. Catherine St.
P. Wingerter vocal St. Catherine St.
Peanut Butter Wolf vocal St. Catherine St.
Beans (US rapper, member of Antipop Consortium) vocal St. Catherine St.
Scott Harding engineer National Movie Review
Sean Lennon vocal Memory Loss
Verna Brown vocal St. Catherine St.