David Stoller

recording, mix, engineer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Wallace Roney
Harold Mabern
Mr. Sweets

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Wallace Roney engineer, mix, recording Children of the Light, Dawn, Evolution of the Blues, Fela's Shrine, Ghost of Yesterday, Her Story, Home, Inflorescent, Nia, Pacific Express, Plaza Real, Revive, Revolution: Resolution, Stand, Un Poco Loco, Utopia, Vater Time
Harold Mabern recording Blues for Frank 'n' Paul 'n' All, Charade, Cherokee, Dance with Me, Don't Get Around Much Anymore, Edward Lee, Making Our Dreams Come True, My Favorite Things, Seven Steps to Heaven, The Nearness of You, To You
Mr. Sweets engineer Dita, Explain It to Me, In My Soul, Maestra, Mother's Touch, Part I, Mother's Touch, Part II, Prayer for Columbine, Tickle, Water Babies