David Coulter

musical saw, violin, fiddle, mandolin, didgeridoo, jew's harp, banjo, ukulele, vocal, percussion

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tim Robbins & The Rogues Gallery Band
John Harle
Mary Margaret O'Hara
HaLo (Ayako Hirakata)
Alice Merritt

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tim Robbins & The Rogues Gallery Band vocal, mandolin, musical saw, violin Crush on You, Lightning Calls, Time to Kill, Toledo Girl, You're My Dare
John Harle didgeridoo New Ashes, Sunrise
Mary Margaret O'Hara musical saw The Cry of Man, Then Said the Captain to Me (Two Poems of the Sea)
HaLo musical saw, percussion satellite
Alice Merritt musical saw Christ Hall Postlude
Gorillaz jew's harp Pirate Jet
Lucinda Williams fiddle Bonnie Portmore
Marc Sabbah musical saw Christ Hall Blues: Recitativo
Gunnar Kornagel musical saw Кадона
Stan Ridgway violin Hanging Johnny
Jolie Holland banjo, fiddle, mandolin, ukulele The Grey Funnel Line