Daron Malakian

guitar, vocal, guitars, performer, producer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
System of a Down
Boogie Natty (artist released on Noisybeat compilation)
David Escudero
Oma Raithofer
Opak (Pasquale Barra)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
System of a Down vocal, guitar ATWA, Aerials / [silence] / [Arto], B.Y.O.B., Bounce, CUBErt, Chop Suey!, DDevil, Darts, Deer Dance, Forest, Jet Pilot, Know, Mind, Needles, P.L.U.C.K., Peephole, Prison Song, Psycho, Question!, Science, Shimmy, Soil, Spiders, Sugar, Suggestions, Suite-Pee, Toxicity, War?, X
Boogie Natty vocal, guitar Mastertarium
David Escudero guitar Rebellion
Oma Raithofer performer, producer Trouble Seeker
Opak guitar Enter Sandman