Daniel Dlimi


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Aeon (Swedish death metal band)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Aeon engineer Aeons Black, Aftermath, Biblewhore, Bleeding the False, Blessed by the Priest, Bow Your Heads, Cenobites, Dead Means Dead, Die by My Hands, Doorknocker, Enchanter, Forever Nailed, Garden of Sin, God Gives Head in Heaven, God Gives Head in Heaven (country version), Hell Unleashed, I Hate Your Existence, I Wish You Death, Maze of the Damned, Morbid Desire to Burn, Neptune the Mystic, Nothing Left to Destroy, Passage to Hell, Sacrificed, Satanic Victory, Soulburner, Still They Pray, The Glowing Hate, The Voice of the Accuser, War Choirs