Daniel Auchincloss


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alan Winterrowd (LibriVox reader)
Claudio Monteverdi
Hari (bassist)
Morgan Saletta (LibriVox reader)
Olivier Tremblay-Noël

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alan Winterrowd vocal Chandos Anthem No. 10 "The Lord Is My Light": "One Thing Have I Desired of the Lord", Chandos Anthem No. 10 "The Lord Is my Light": "The Lord is My Strength and My Shield"
Claudio Monteverdi vocal Beatus vir I (à 6 voci concertato)
Hari vocal Chandos Anthem No. 6 "As Pants the Hart": "Now When I Think Thereupon"
Morgan Saletta vocal Chandos Anthem No. 10 "The Lord Is My Light": "The Lord Is My Light and Salvation"
Olivier Tremblay-Noël vocal Chandos Anthem No. 6 "As Pants the Hart": "Why So Full of Grief?"
김영은 vocal Chandos Anthem No. 6 "As Pants the Hart": "Put Thy Trust in God"