Curt Bisquera

drums, percussion, cymbals, hi-hat

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Johnny Cash (country music legend)
Josh Groban
Nelly Furtado

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
T.S.O.S.A. drums Honeymoon, Music to Watch Boys To, Terrence Loves You
小田和正 cymbals, drums, hi-hat そのままの 君が好き, それとも二人
Johnny Cash drums, percussion Spiritual, The Kneeling Drunkard’s Plea
Josh Groban drums Let Me Fall (from Cirque du Soleil)
Nelly Furtado instrument Hey, Man!
Phil Perry drums I'm Sorry
Elton John drums I'm Your Man
Schola Cantorum Coloniensis drums Canto alla vita
Anne Lill percussion Tears From the Moon (album version)
The Beach Boys drums Daybreak Over the Ocean
The Indians drums Bed of Roses
Pretty the Quick Black Eyes drums Somethin' Else