Cristiano Luciani

electronic instruments, effects, cymbals, tape, other instruments, editor, recording, vocal, guitar

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Young Monks (Indie, Pop, Rock)
David Zinman conductor Lament and Prayer: Adagio (Lament), Lament and Prayer: Tranquillo (Prayer)
Minnesota Orchestra performing orchestra Lament and Prayer: Adagio (Lament), Lament and Prayer: Tranquillo (Prayer)
Pamela Frank violin Lament and Prayer: Adagio (Lament), Lament and Prayer: Tranquillo (Prayer)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
David Zinman conductor Lament and Prayer: Adagio (Lament), Lament and Prayer: Tranquillo (Prayer)
Minnesota Orchestra performing orchestra Lament and Prayer: Adagio (Lament), Lament and Prayer: Tranquillo (Prayer)
Pamela Frank violin Lament and Prayer: Adagio (Lament), Lament and Prayer: Tranquillo (Prayer)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Young Monks editor, recording, vocal, cymbals, effects, electronic instruments, guitar, other instruments, tape Black Lake, Funeral Parade of Roses, ひっそりとしっかりと In Obscurity