Craig Eastman

violin, fiddle, viola, tenor violin, hurdy gurdy, recording, violins, arranger

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Steve Martin (comedian and banjo player)
Carter Burwell
Chris Hillman
John Doe (US singer, songwriter, actor, poet & bassist)
Taj Mahal (US blues musician)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Steve Martin fiddle, violin Banana Banjo, Blue River Waltz, Calico Train, Calico Train (instrumental), Daddy Played the Banjo, Freddie’s Lilt, Hoedown at Alice’s, Late for School, Pitkin County Turnaround, Saga of the Old West, Tin Roof, Wally on the Run, Words Unspoken
Carter Burwell arranger, fiddle Deguello de Crockett, Listen to the Mockingbird Sing
Chris Hillman tenor violin Hard Times
John Doe violin Tenting on the Old Campground
Taj Mahal tenor violin Down by the Riverside
Van Dyke Parks recording, viola, violins Note of Hope