

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jeff Prince
Edmur Hebter
Woe Foot
Elaine do Valle
Ivory G

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jeff Prince vocal Before the ice (O magnum mysterium), Gifts for the Child of Winter, Song of the Crib, The Bethlehem Star, The Heart-in-Waiting, The Rose in the Middle of Winter, The Shepherd's Carol, Ubi Caritas, What sweeter music
Edmur Hebter vocal On Christmas Night: A spotless Rose, On Christmas Night: Adam lay ybounden, On Christmas Night: O little town, On Christmas Night: Rejoice and be merry, On Christmas Night: The Cherry Tree Carol, On Christmas Night: This is the truth (I), On Christmas Night: This is the truth (II)
Woe Foot vocal Les anges dans nos campagnes, Silent night, The night he was born
Elaine do Valle vocal Mid-Winter
Ivory G vocal On Christmas Night: Sweet was the song
Mego vocal The Advent Candle
Roc Wash vocal The shepherds sing