Clive Gregson

mix, producer, guitars, mandolin, electric guitar, keyboard, vocal

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Nick Drake
Stephen Fearing
Boo Hewerdine
The Teddybears (Childrens' song band)
The Wedding Present

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Nick Drake mix 'Cello Song (5.1 mix), Black Eyed Dog (5.1 mix), From the Morning (5.1 mix), Fruit Tree (5.1 mix), Hazey Jane I (5.1 mix), Hazey Jane II (5.1 mix), Introduction (5.1 mix), Magic (5.1 mix), Northern Sky (5.1 mix), Pink Moon (5.1 mix), Place to Be (5.1 mix), Poor Boy (5.1 mix), River Man (5.1 mix), Road (5.1 mix), Way to Blue (5.1 mix)
Stephen Fearing producer Blind Horses, Blue Line, Born in a Story, Jesse Meets His Future Wife Zee Mimms, Little Child Eyes, Our Father and the Big Wheel of Fortune, Race of Fractions, Sarah's Song, The Bells of Morning, Turn Out the Lights
Boo Hewerdine vocal, electric guitar, mandolin Gravity, I Remember / The Ship Song, Swan Silvertone
The Teddybears guitars, keyboard Standing in Your Shadow
The Wedding Present producer Living and Learning