Christopher Tye

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir vocal Laudate (celebratory), Laudate (start missing)-Celebratory
Mary Springfels conductor In Nomine XIII, "Trust", Sit Fast
The Newberry Consort performer In Nomine XIII, "Trust", Sit Fast
Carolyn Sinclair vocal While shepherds watched their flocks
Dennis Keene conductor Laudate nomen

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir vocal Laudate (celebratory), Laudate (start missing)-Celebratory
Mary Springfels conductor In Nomine XIII, "Trust", Sit Fast
The Newberry Consort performer In Nomine XIII, "Trust", Sit Fast
Carolyn Sinclair vocal While shepherds watched their flocks
Dennis Keene conductor Laudate nomen
Michael Jarvis harpsichord While shepherds watched their flocks
Rose Consort of Viols performer In Nomine No.20
Voices of Ascension vocal Laudate nomen
Westminster Cathedral Choir vocal Omnes gentes, plaudite manibus