Chris Karvinen

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
CosmoMoose arranger, mix, performer, producer Closing the Hatch, Cosmic Invasion, Cosmic Memories, Galileo's Mission, Laika Legacy, Light of This World, Lost Vessel, Opening the Hatch, Ripples in the Sky, RoboDrama, Shooting Stars, Shooting Stars (extended Voyage), Shooting Stars (single edit), Tears of the Moon
Sharon Medway vocal RoboDrama

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
CosmoMoose arranger, mix, performer, producer Closing the Hatch, Cosmic Invasion, Cosmic Memories, Galileo's Mission, Laika Legacy, Light of This World, Lost Vessel, Opening the Hatch, Ripples in the Sky, RoboDrama, Shooting Stars, Shooting Stars (extended Voyage), Shooting Stars (single edit), Tears of the Moon
Sharon Medway vocal RoboDrama