Chris Brown

mix, recording

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Artist name Roles Recordings
The Popes

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Divididos mix, recording Casi estatua, Como un cuento, Elefantes en Europa, La firma del opa, La gente se divierte, La ñapi de mamá, Par mil, Pasiones zurdas derechas, Qué pasa conmigo, Sopa de tortuga, Spaghetti del rock, Tanto anteojo, Vida de topos
The Popes mix Angels are Coming, Back in Your Heart, Bastards, Black Is the Colour, Boys - They Don't Cry, Crucified, Let the Bells Ring Out, Loneliness of a Long Distance Drinker, Outlaw Heaven, Raw, Slip Away, Underneath the Blue Sky, You're Gonna Shine