Charles Blenzig

keyboard, piano, arranger

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bill Evans (saxophonist)
Voodoo Grease (Guben/Germany Rockabilly)
TOKU (jazz flugelhorn, vocal)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bill Evans keyboard And You Don't Stop, London House, Nightwing, Push, Secret Agent, Stand Up and Do Something, You Gotta Believe
伊東たけし keyboard, piano Ancient Ties, Angel Wings, Camouflage, Finals, Por do sol (After the Sun)
Voodoo Grease keyboard, piano All of Those Things, Jeju Island(or Jeju do), Kamiyama, Sunrise in Mumbai
TOKU arranger, piano Me and Mrs. Jones, One Day I’ll Fly Away, The Night Is Down on Me