Carlos Emilio Morales

guitar, vocal

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Betty Davis
Chucho Valdés

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Irakere guitar Adagio on a Mozart Theme, Aguanile, Añunga Ñunga, Ciento años de juventud, Claudia, Gira gira, Ilya, Iya, Misa negra (The Black Mass), Por romper el coco, Xiomara
Betty Davis vocal, guitar Bar Hoppin', Bottom of the Barrel, Crashin' from Passion, For My Man, Is It Love or Desire, It's So Good, Let's get Personal, Stars Starve, You Know, When Romance Says Goodbye, Whorey Angel
Chucho Valdés guitar Invitación