
Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
日野繭子 performer, electronic instruments Into the Blue Age, Live Sounds Dopa Part I, Live Sounds Dopa Part II, No Escape
長久保隆一 performer, bass Into the Blue Age, Live Sounds Dopa Part I, Live Sounds Dopa Part II, No Escape
長谷川洋 performer, synthesizer Into the Blue Age, Live Sounds Dopa Part I, Live Sounds Dopa Part II, No Escape
小堺文雄 electronic instruments, tape Into the Blue Age, Live Sounds Dopa Part I, Live Sounds Dopa Part II

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
日野繭子 performer, electronic instruments Into the Blue Age, Live Sounds Dopa Part I, Live Sounds Dopa Part II, No Escape
長久保隆一 performer, bass Into the Blue Age, Live Sounds Dopa Part I, Live Sounds Dopa Part II, No Escape
長谷川洋 performer, synthesizer Into the Blue Age, Live Sounds Dopa Part I, Live Sounds Dopa Part II, No Escape
小堺文雄 electronic instruments, tape Into the Blue Age, Live Sounds Dopa Part I, Live Sounds Dopa Part II