Bryant Clifford Meyer

guitar, electronic instruments, engineer, keyboard, remixer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Isis (Experimental post-metal band from Boston, USA)
Manon (chillout/future jazz)
Pelican (US metal band)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Isis electronic instruments, guitar C.F.T. (New Circuitry and Continued Evolution), Celestial (Signal Fills the Void), Celestial (The Tower), Collapse and Crush, Constructing Towers, Deconstructing Towers, Divine Mother (The Tower Crumbles), Gentle Time, Glisten, Swarm Reigns (Down)
Manon engineer, guitar, keyboard Antarctic Handshake, Future Warrior, Mission Sunset, Patagonia, Shortwave Radio, Tropics
Pelican remixer The Cliff (Palms remix)