Brad Shepik

guitar, electric guitar, producer, saz, tambura

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dave Douglas
Peter Karl editor, engineer, mix Asilah, Might Could, Quiver of Veils, The Flood, The Flower and the Bee, The Well, Vapor Oro, Zephyr

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Peter Karl editor, engineer, mix Asilah, Might Could, Quiver of Veils, The Flood, The Flower and the Bee, The Well, Vapor Oro, Zephyr

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dave Douglas electric guitar, guitar Arabesque for Clarinet and Piano, At Dusk, Breath-A-Thon, Czardas (trad. Hungarian), Felijar, Ferrous, Fille d'acier [Girl of Steel], Gowanus, Head-on Kouvlodsko, La Belle Saison, Loopy, Nicht so schnell, mit viel Ton zu spielen, One Shot, Prolix, Punchy, Red Emma, Road / Home, Sam Hill, Shards, Song for my Father-in-law, The Drowned Girl, Wandering Souls
Pachora guitar, saz, tambura Tirzah