Brad Davidge

guitar, arranger, electric guitar

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Mary Jane Lamond
Natalie MacMaster
Sir Cond

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Mary Jane Lamond electric guitar, guitar A Mhàiri Bhòidheach, Mo Mhaili Bheag Òg, Nach Till Thu Dhòmhnaill?, Seallaibh Curraigh Eòghainn
Natalie MacMaster arranger, guitar A Blast, Devil and the Dirk, Jig Party, Touch of the Master's Hand
Sir Cond guitar Air a' Ghille Tha Mo Rùn / It Is the Lad That I Love, Keeping Up With Calum, Tàladh na Beinne Guirme / The Blue Mountain's Lullaby