Bongo Maffin


Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dennis Ferrer remixer Mari ye phepha (DF's Jo'burg Drums mix), Mari ye phepha (DF's Jo'burg instrumental mix), Mari ye phepha (DF's Jo'burg mix)
Jimmy Dludlu
Justin Shirley-Smith recording The Way
Toby Alington recording The Way

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dennis Ferrer remixer Mari ye phepha (DF's Jo'burg Drums mix), Mari ye phepha (DF's Jo'burg instrumental mix), Mari ye phepha (DF's Jo'burg mix)
Justin Shirley-Smith recording The Way
Toby Alington recording The Way

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jimmy Dludlu performer Winds of Change (feat. Bongo Maffin)