Bobby Peru

producer, mix, saxophone, alto saxophone, soprano saxophone

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jimmy (Les Sales Majestés drummer)
Sage (canadian hip hop)
Frédéric Giraud (Les Porte-Mentaux / Les Sales Majestés)
Mike Becher
Fash (game music remixes)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jimmy mix, producer, saxophone D.O.W.N., Double Cup Fulla, Galante Bars, Mayhem, No pasa nada, Take Off, Tokio
Sage producer Brodas, C.R.E.A.M., En la street 3012, Enseñanza de acera, Introducción a 3012, Midnight
Frédéric Giraud mix, producer Introducción, Looking fo' Ma Deal, The World Is Yours
Mike Becher alto saxophone Outro: Alcoholic Ballads
Fash producer Likid Street
$ele№ producer Keep da Essence
Hail of Rage soprano saxophone Sweet Love
Jean-Christian Michel producer Love Jones
Chad Copelin mix, producer Proudly
Johanna Vuoksenmaa producer No More Chances
Michael Mauldin producer Faithful Victory
Cemeteries producer Interludio: Body&Soul&Bondage
N-qia producer En la street
NP producer Amor por esto
Neues Zürcher Quartett producer De donde vengo
Nicholas Chumachenco producer [untitled]
Nina Scott Stoddart producer Intro: Why Do I Feel So Good
Peter Hollens producer Como amiga
Daniel Flava producer Enfermo
Sudden Weather Change producer Mi secreto
Thomas Fink, Sandy Patton, Stephan Holstein, Ed Sperber, Rainer Glas, Carola Grey mix, producer Sunset
Vera saxophone Génesis
oiki producer Homeboys