Billy Jackson

whistle, folk harp, Irish harp / clàrsach, harp, bodhrán

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tony Cuffe
Billy Ross
Gordeanna McCulloch
Mae McKenna
Mairi Campbell

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tony Cuffe harp, whistle Ay, Waukin, O, Jumpin' John, Kissin' My Katie, Sweet Afton, The Cooper o Cuddy, The Weary Pund o' Tow
Billy Ross folk harp, harp, whistle Beware o' Bonnie Ann, Brose and Butter, I Hae a Wife o' My Ain, O, Let Me in This Ae Night, The Silver Tassie
Gordeanna McCulloch folk harp A Rose-Bud by My Early Walk, O an' Ye Were Dead Gudeman, The Reel o' Stumpie
Mae McKenna Irish harp / clàrsach, whistle Mary Queen of Scots Lament, O Dear Minny / There's News Lasses, Wandering Willie
Mairi Campbell Irish harp / clàrsach, bodhrán, whistle Behold, My Love, I Coft a Stane O'Haslock Woo / My Sandie O, Ken Ye Ought o' Captain Grose?
Arthur Johnstone folk harp, whistle Leezie Lindsay, Scots Wha Hae
Die Musterknaben whistle Wee Willie Gray, Willie Brew'd a Peck o' Maut
Ian Bruce folk harp, whistle Ca the Yowes to the Knowes, The Soldier's Return
Alan Reid whistle My Collier Laddie