Beto Vázquez Infinity

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tarja Turunen vocal Promises Under the Rain, The Laws of the Future, Until Dawn (Angels of Light), Wizard
Candice Night vocal Golden Hair, Promises Under the Rain, Through Times, Part II, Through Times, Part III
Beto Vázquez bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard Council of My Dreams, Freedom, The Temple, Tonight
Norberto Román drumset Council of My Dreams, Freedom, The Temple, Tonight
Sabine Edelsbacher vocal Promises Under the Rain, The Laws of the Future, Wizard

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tarja Turunen vocal Promises Under the Rain, The Laws of the Future, Until Dawn (Angels of Light), Wizard
Candice Night vocal Golden Hair, Promises Under the Rain, Through Times, Part II, Through Times, Part III
Beto Vázquez bass guitar, electric guitar, keyboard Council of My Dreams, Freedom, The Temple, Tonight
Norberto Román drumset Council of My Dreams, Freedom, The Temple, Tonight
Sabine Edelsbacher vocal Promises Under the Rain, The Laws of the Future, Wizard
Jessica Lehto vocal Freedom, The Temple
Alfred Romero vocal The Temple
Christian Bertoncelli vocal Tonight
Enrik García electric guitar The Temple
Pablo Soler electric guitar Tonight
Fabio Lione vocal The Battle of the Past
Sonya Scarlet vocal Council of My Dreams
Jason Droguett vocal Shadows Fall