Benjamin Bagby

conductor, vocal, lyre, harp, hurdy gurdy, performer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Sequentia performer Baldrs minni: In Memory of Baldr, Hlióðs bið ek allar: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Leikr elds ok ísa: The song of Fire and Ice, Nú erum komnar: The Song of the Mill, Ragnarok: The End of the Gods, Senn vóru æsir allir á þingi: Baldr's Dreams, Veit ek at ek hekk: Óðinn's Rune-verses, Vreiðr var pá Ving-Þorr: The Tale of Thrymr, Á fellr austan um eitrdala: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Þat man hón fólkvíg: The Prophecy of the Seeress
Barbara Thornton conductor Baldrs minni: In Memory of Baldr, Hlióðs bið ek allar: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Leikr elds ok ísa: The song of Fire and Ice, Nú erum komnar: The Song of the Mill, Ragnarok: The End of the Gods, Senn vóru æsir allir á þingi: Baldr's Dreams, Veit ek at ek hekk: Óðinn's Rune-verses, Vreiðr var pá Ving-Þorr: The Tale of Thrymr, Á fellr austan um eitrdala: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Þat man hón fólkvíg: The Prophecy of the Seeress
Elizabeth Ostrow producer Baldrs minni: In Memory of Baldr, Hlióðs bið ek allar: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Leikr elds ok ísa: The song of Fire and Ice, Nú erum komnar: The Song of the Mill, Ragnarok: The End of the Gods, Senn vóru æsir allir á þingi: Baldr's Dreams, Veit ek at ek hekk: Óðinn's Rune-verses, Vreiðr var pá Ving-Þorr: The Tale of Thrymr, Á fellr austan um eitrdala: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Þat man hón fólkvíg: The Prophecy of the Seeress
Jeffrey Baust engineer Baldrs minni: In Memory of Baldr, Hlióðs bið ek allar: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Leikr elds ok ísa: The song of Fire and Ice, Nú erum komnar: The Song of the Mill, Ragnarok: The End of the Gods, Senn vóru æsir allir á þingi: Baldr's Dreams, Veit ek at ek hekk: Óðinn's Rune-verses, Vreiðr var pá Ving-Þorr: The Tale of Thrymr, Á fellr austan um eitrdala: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Þat man hón fólkvíg: The Prophecy of the Seeress
Andrew Pannel

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Sequentia performer Baldrs minni: In Memory of Baldr, Hlióðs bið ek allar: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Leikr elds ok ísa: The song of Fire and Ice, Nú erum komnar: The Song of the Mill, Ragnarok: The End of the Gods, Senn vóru æsir allir á þingi: Baldr's Dreams, Veit ek at ek hekk: Óðinn's Rune-verses, Vreiðr var pá Ving-Þorr: The Tale of Thrymr, Á fellr austan um eitrdala: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Þat man hón fólkvíg: The Prophecy of the Seeress
Barbara Thornton conductor Baldrs minni: In Memory of Baldr, Hlióðs bið ek allar: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Leikr elds ok ísa: The song of Fire and Ice, Nú erum komnar: The Song of the Mill, Ragnarok: The End of the Gods, Senn vóru æsir allir á þingi: Baldr's Dreams, Veit ek at ek hekk: Óðinn's Rune-verses, Vreiðr var pá Ving-Þorr: The Tale of Thrymr, Á fellr austan um eitrdala: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Þat man hón fólkvíg: The Prophecy of the Seeress
Elizabeth Ostrow producer Baldrs minni: In Memory of Baldr, Hlióðs bið ek allar: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Leikr elds ok ísa: The song of Fire and Ice, Nú erum komnar: The Song of the Mill, Ragnarok: The End of the Gods, Senn vóru æsir allir á þingi: Baldr's Dreams, Veit ek at ek hekk: Óðinn's Rune-verses, Vreiðr var pá Ving-Þorr: The Tale of Thrymr, Á fellr austan um eitrdala: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Þat man hón fólkvíg: The Prophecy of the Seeress
Jeffrey Baust engineer Baldrs minni: In Memory of Baldr, Hlióðs bið ek allar: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Leikr elds ok ísa: The song of Fire and Ice, Nú erum komnar: The Song of the Mill, Ragnarok: The End of the Gods, Senn vóru æsir allir á þingi: Baldr's Dreams, Veit ek at ek hekk: Óðinn's Rune-verses, Vreiðr var pá Ving-Þorr: The Tale of Thrymr, Á fellr austan um eitrdala: The Prophecy of the Seeress, Þat man hón fólkvíg: The Prophecy of the Seeress

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Sequentia vocal, lyre Hlióðs bið ek allar (Prophecy of the Seeress 1), Senn vóru æsir allir á þingi (Baldr's Dreams), Veit ek at ek hekk (Sayings of the High One), Vreiðr var þa Ving-Þórr (The Tale of Thrymr), Á fellr austan um eitrdala (Prophecy of the Seeress 3)
Andrew Pannel harp Instrumental Piece
Gerd Rahstorfer harp Symphonia armonie celestium revelationem: Alleluia O virga mediatrix
Philippe de Vitry performer Vos quid admiramini, virgines / Gratissima virginis species / Gaude gloriosa
Warut Rintranukal hurdy gurdy Symphonia armonie celestium revelationem: O vis eternitatis