Beatrice Lillie


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Sergio Avil (Bass guitarist from Argentina)
Fred Werner conductor Talking to You
Harry Zimmermann orchestrator Talking to You
Hugh Martin vocal arranger Talking to You
Timothy Gray vocal arranger Talking to You

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Fred Werner conductor Talking to You
Harry Zimmermann orchestrator Talking to You
Hugh Martin vocal arranger Talking to You
Timothy Gray vocal arranger Talking to You

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Sergio Avil vocal Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Aquarium, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Finale, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Fossiles, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Hémiones (Animaux véloces), Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Introduction et Marche royale du Lion, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Kangourous, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: L'Eléphant, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Le Cygne, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Le coucou au fond des bois, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Personnages à longues oreilles, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Pianistes, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Poules et Coqs, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Tortues, Le Carnaval des Animaux, R. 125: Volières