vocal, producer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Mnemonic Ascent
Reference Point
2 Dogs
Collective Distractions
Stuart Churchill

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Mnemonic Ascent producer, vocal Ascent Endorsement, Honor to Be, Honour to Be, Honour to Be (instrumental), Inproduction, Mnemonic, Moves to Underline, No Trouble, Outer Limits, Pokies, Reconcile, Relentless, Sights Unseen, Spoonbenders, Step Up, Tri-State, We Forget, Words Can't Describe
Reference Point producer, vocal Brother Wolf, Clean Slate, You're Just a Mortal Too
2 Dogs vocal Fire in the Belly, Numero Uno
Collective Distractions vocal Tough Guy
Stuart Churchill vocal Stop, Look & Listen