B. Dolan

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alias (Brendon Whitney - Hip Hop - Anticon) producer Body of Work, Border Crossing, Earthmovers, Economy of Words (Bail It Out), Fifty Ways to Bleed Your Customer, Kitchen Sink, Leaving New York, Marvin, Mr. Buddy Buddy, The Hunter, The Reptilian Agenda
Buddy Peace producer Dear Lefty, Evel Intro, Heart Failure, Joan of Arcadia, Lucifer, One Breath Left, One Breath Left (Jackson of Grand Buffet remix), Open Letter to J.T. (live)
King Rhythm producer Dear Lefty

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alias (Brendon Whitney - Hip Hop - Anticon) producer Body of Work, Border Crossing, Earthmovers, Economy of Words (Bail It Out), Fifty Ways to Bleed Your Customer, Kitchen Sink, Leaving New York, Marvin, Mr. Buddy Buddy, The Hunter, The Reptilian Agenda
Buddy Peace producer Dear Lefty, Evel Intro, Heart Failure, Joan of Arcadia, Lucifer, One Breath Left, One Breath Left (Jackson of Grand Buffet remix), Open Letter to J.T. (live)
King Rhythm producer Dear Lefty