Arturo Palmer

vocal, arranger

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Lenny White
Frank Horger recording Nocturne ”Villa d’Avrayen”
Ian Hobson piano Nocturne ”Villa d’Avrayen”
Martin Anderson producer Nocturne ”Villa d’Avrayen”
Masumi Per Rostad viola Nocturne ”Villa d’Avrayen”

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Frank Horger recording Nocturne ”Villa d’Avrayen”
Ian Hobson piano Nocturne ”Villa d’Avrayen”
Martin Anderson producer Nocturne ”Villa d’Avrayen”
Masumi Per Rostad viola Nocturne ”Villa d’Avrayen”
Sherban Lupu violin Nocturne ”Villa d’Avrayen”

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Lenny White arranger, vocal Attitude, Just Say the Word, The Ride