Arnulf Lindner

bass, double bass, baritone guitar, bass guitar, cello, acoustic bass guitar

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
KT Tunstall
Ed Harcourt
Hubert von Goisern
Sia (Australian singer-songwriter)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
KT Tunstall acoustic bass guitar, baritone guitar, bass, bass guitar, double bass Ain't Nobody, Another Place to Fall, False Alarm, Mothgirl, Other Side of the World, Silent Sea, Suddenly I See, Through the Dark, Under the Weather
Starsailor double bass Bring My Love, Four to the Floor, Telling Them
Ed Harcourt double bass Dionysus, Immoral
Hubert von Goisern bass Mercedes Benz
Sia double bass Numb
Stereophonics cello Stuck in a Rut