Angie Hart

vocal, performer, producer
Four Hours SleepTryss60 ChannelsFrente!Abandoned PoolsMichael Lowrymono bandThe AngelThe Baldwin BrothersMariValtielParasitic EjaculationOnly other artist's recordings

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Four Hours Sleep
Tryss (Zouk artist)
60 Channels
Abandoned Pools

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Four Hours Sleep vocal Gentle Falling Rain, Goodbye Song, I Know I Shouldn't (But I Can't Help Myself), Marie Antoinette, Test Your Love, Think I'm Ready, Wriggle On, You Left Your Mark on Me
Tryss performer, vocal Give Me Your Love, Give Me Your Love (E-Sassin remix), Give Me Your Love (The Angel's Supa Crucial mix), Give Me Your Love (radio edit), Protect Yourself (60 Channels remix), Tap Your Heart
60 Channels vocal Black Rush, Give Me Your Love, Protect Yourself, Tap Your Heart
Frente! producer Bizarre Love Triangle, Many Wings / Here You Come Again, Not Given Lightly, Somethin' Stupid (Stoopid)
Abandoned Pools vocal Ruin Your Life, Start Over, Suburban Muse, Sunny Day
Michael Lowry vocal Stick to My Fingers
mono band vocal Coyotes and Helicopters
The Angel performer Anything (feat. Angie Hart)
The Baldwin Brothers performer Deep Down (feat. Angie Hart)
Mari vocal A Real Miracle
Valtiel performer Betrayal Takes Two
Parasitic Ejaculation vocal Little Bridges