Andy McKee

bass, producer, double bass

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Steve Grossman Quartet
David Merrill (Recording engineer at Master Sound Astoria.) engineer Accolades, Deep in Boston / Max is Max, Earth Sign, Finders Keepers, Fire Sign, Folk Song, Ife's Dance, Losers Weepers, Prayer
Michel Petrucciani

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
David Merrill (Recording engineer at Master Sound Astoria.) engineer Accolades, Deep in Boston / Max is Max, Earth Sign, Finders Keepers, Fire Sign, Folk Song, Ife's Dance, Losers Weepers, Prayer

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Steve Grossman Quartet bass Body & Soul, Don't Blame Me, Ebb Tide, In a Sentimental Mood, Inner Circle, Parisian Welcome, Song for My Mother, Theme for Ernie, Why Don't I?, You Go to My Head
Michel Petrucciani double bass Happy Birthday Mr. K, Memories of Paris, My Bebop Tune, O Nana Oye